Specialists in spare parts for public works and mining machinery: +100.000 references in stock

Bolts and nuts PLAIN WASHERS

Reference: 8J3519


Suitable for Caterpillar

Weight: 0,045

Availability: Check

Blumaq delivers replacement parts and maintenance products for Construction and Mining Equipment. With more than 100,000 part numbers in stock, Blumaq offers its customers the best possible service in the replacement parts industry.

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24/48 hours Shipping

Certified quality

Shipping guarantee

World leader in spare parts

100.000 references in stock

Personalized attention

Best repair and <strong>maintenance service</strong>

Best repair and maintenance service

Best Blumaq workshop service, where expert hands repair the components your machine needs in order to perform again like the fi rst day. At our Technical Center, a group of expert engineers will give you support so you will always be informed of the situation of your repair. In Blumaq we think that quality comes from inside, that every part we develop, we repair or every maintenance service we give, must fulfi l the highest quality standards so you can always have your equipment in perfect conditions.

Technical assistance <strong>and after-sales service</strong>

Technical assistance and after-sales service

The Technical Service staff can assist with parts lookup and answer installation related questions. Our Quality Control experts test and monitor our parts routinely in order to ensure the installed parts are to ensure that the parts you install are of the finest quality available in the replacement parts industry.

Logistics and  <strong>customer service</strong>

Logistics and customer service

Our warehouses have a large inventory available in order for us to offer the best service. In addition, we have made agreements with main express transport companies, to speed up the process.

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